Stuffed vineleaves


Recipe for stuffed vine leaves:
1 jar tender vineleaves, if not tender enough, dip them for a few seconds in scalding water
2 small cups rice
2-3 chopped onions
5-6 spring onions , finely chopped
1 bunch of parsley , finely chopped
1/2 bunch of dill , chopped
1/2 bunch spearmint chopped
juice of 2 lemons
sea ​​salt
black pepper
extra virgin olive oil
In a large pan put 1 cup extra virgin olive oil and the remaining ingredients with following order : onion , fresh onion , salt , pepper , rice , parsley , dill , spearmint , 1 cup of water . Bring to a boil and then remove the pan from the heat . Once the pan cools, start to put the stuffing into each vineleave, -see photos-. The fibers of the vine leaves can be seen in the inner side I put the filling. In a large pot place a layer of leaves on the bottom after I put a little extra virgin olive oil and place the stuffed vineleaves very close to each other and do many layers. Pour them with remaining olive oil , water and lemon juice until they are covered and put over them a plate of material that can withstand high temperatures . At low to medium heat let them simmer for 30-40 minutes and then check if the rice is done and remove from heat . Serve with yoghurt .
Bon appetit !